Friday, 23 March 2018

15 Chromecast Tips and Tricks Every User Should Know

There are lots of things to know regarding the Chromecast. It is the device that is the revolution of Internet. We can say this is the only gadget which will enable you to stream content form Smartphone and tablet to an HDMI compatible TV. However, chromecast limitations are not limited to this. There are lots of other features of Chromecast have. Today, I am going to discuss the top tricks that you can do with your Chormecast device.

  1. BIG SCREEN – Google’s mission with Chromecast is only for one reason. Trough all the apps for bigger screen. If you want to see video see it in bigger screen, if you want to see a movie see it in bigger screen. If you want to cast any app then cast in bigger screen. There is music, gamming, news etc too can be seen form TV with the help of Chormecast. With all these just enjoy your life. You can now cast your chrome tab on your desktop with the help of casting options. The Chromecast device will give you a giant photo slideshow. When your Chromecast is sitting idle, it will show the images that loaded into it. So, you would not have any waste of time. It’s just Chromecast is active all the time. 
  2. STREAMING – Chromecast is the product of streaming. It will help you to stream all local content. It will help you to stream all content in your Smartphone even the live programs as well. You can now use Videostream for Chromecast extension for an enhanced viewing experience. You can also use plex server where you will get the basic version for free of cost. You need to know lots of other tricks here. There are shortcuts for streaming your content as well.
  3. NO INSTALLATION – The biggest advantage of Chromecast is that you don’t need to install any app neither on the streaming device nor the TV. All kind of video and audio streaming apps that are compatible with Chromecast will be able to play there. Using the Google cast in the Play Store will land all the collection of apps for you. You can now watch Netflix , YouTube , Twitch etc apps without installing the apps. For hardware there are also lots of advantages. Just connect your Chromecast with your x-box and then enjoy game playing too.
  4. HARDWARE TRICKS - Now Lets know the hardware tricks of Chromecast. You can now do factory reset and reboot in Chromecast very easily. There are lots of tweaks in settings. You can now change the name of your Chromecast device, its language, time zone and hour format. You can easily change your WIFI network of your device as well. Google will send you the Chromecast features way before than others as well. If you don’t have any WIFI adapter in your home you can connect your Ethernet cable with Chromecast with the help of an Ethernet adapter very easily. One of another benefit is that you can now control your Chromecast form any device. You can now control your Chromecast form any connected device as well.
  5. GAMMING – There are lots of gamming features which you will get through Chromecast. While you are playing the game on Smartphone you can still cast that thing in big screen using your Chromecast for better enjoyment.
  6. VIRTUAL REALITY - Chromecast works with your Virtual Reality which is amusing as well. Just make sure that the phone you have in the daydream and the Chromecast are on the same WIFI network and that you have the Google Home App installed and then you can see the virtual reality. If you Gear VR, you can do the same thing again using this with the help of lastest version of Oculus app and gets your gear going. Hit the cast button and select the device you want to view your VR journey.
  7. LIVE PROGRAMS - With the help of Chromecast you can do facebook Live Broadcast to a TV, YouTube Live broadcast on TV. Just make sure your device is casting form TV so that you can send a face book live broadcast to a TV. Just hit the cast icon that appears on the screen.
  8. PRESENTATION - Slide showing is the great option for you if you use Chromecast. In school, colleges if you want to show your presentations from your phone to bigger screen then Chromecast is the best option for you. Just connect your phone and big screen and then start playing the slideshows of your project. You can also use the Google slides you can show your presentation with Chromecast too.
  9. TV-DJ FOR PARTY - Are you a party and don’t have any DJ ? Then just plug your phone with your TV along with speakers and then click Play and you Rock. For extra sound you can have some apps form Google and also add some hardware services along with it. You can also stream audio form here. You can use Chromecast audio for this as well.
  10. PHOTO SHOW – If you want to show your photos to many members and it is not possible to show all photos form mobile form family members. That’s why it is better to show photos in bigger screen using the Chromecast device. Let’s buy today a Chromecast device and show your photos in big screen. Enjoy imaging.
  11. BETTER YOUTUBING – One of the main features of buying Chromecast is that YouTube. With the help of Chromecast you can now watch YouTube hour after hour and minute after minute with your friends and family. With this features will make yourself at home.
  12. JOIN THE CHROMECAST PREVIEW PROGRAMM - Lets join the Chromecast preview program and with this and you will get latest Chromecast updates which are released to public. It will help you to know the updates and latest things. You will be install new and updated features as well.
  13. MIRROR ANDROID DEVICES - With all these features will make your Chromecast a mirror android device. From streaming video, live, YouTube and huge array of applications will make your device just a 2nd android device. If you are an android user you can mirror your device display to any TV. That means whatever is playing on the mobile screen will be shown in your TV screen. You can also mirror your desktop with this as well. If you want to mirror your entire computer desktop on a TV Via Chromecast, just open Chrome and click the action overflow button in the top right corner. Click Cast and click the downward arrow next to Cast to. Select Cast desktop, choose the Chromecast you want to use and, finally, click Cast to begin mirroring.
  14. GUEST MODE - If you, your friends and family are asking and they want to cast something to your television, you can make it very easy for them. Just enable Guest mode form Google home app and switch to the devices to Guest Mode. Any nearby devices should connect to the Chromecast without being on the same network. The way this works is Chromecast sends a four-digit PIN to nearby devices by using an audio tone that you can't hear. If guests' phones don't detect the audio tone, they can simply enter the PIN manually. Now let’s enjoy the Guest Mode.
  15. WHEN YOU ARE TRAVELLER - When you are going to travel somewhere and you don’t want to stuck with the TV cable of the hotel, this device will help you a lot too. You can take this Chromecast while you are travelling. Just plug the Chromecast and enjoy.

So, these were the above some features of Chromecast app. I will share more features in future posts. Let’s make your life simplier with this tiny and simple device. 

Thursday, 15 March 2018

The rise and fall of POT painting arts in West Bengal

The Pot chitra or Pot painting of west Bengal is very famous. Today I am going to explore all the details of them. How they are created, why they are still here. How they are still fighting with poverty and negligence form govt. and how we could save them today?

Potchitra was actualy mentioned in the puranas as well. Now, how they are being today painted by painters of the tribal villagers of west Bengal w- well ,this is a long story. So, I would like to keep my story short here. It was actually adopted by the malla kings who were ones ruled over Bishnupur. The malla kings of Bishnupur were the very favorite of these Pot artists and it was reported that they gave shelter of these painters from somewhere in north India. However, there are different stories regarding these Pot painters. Whatever the case was someday, when the Malla ruler ship abolished, the painters lost their shelters. They became stared getting backdated; they started losing their values as painters in Bengal. Today these painting are practiced by some families in tribal villages of Midnapore (West Bengal, India) and they are just declining. 

These POT chitra painters are actually called POTUAS … these painting tradition mainly were being done by Sutradhar people who were the expert potuas on those malla days . However, they are losing their value and struggling a lot due to negligence form govt . And due to following reasons mainly – 
  1. West Bengal Govt. as well as Indian govt. is not serious regarding these pot painters. They are thinking that these are actually outdated, backdated and they no need govt. funding. 
  2. Pot painting may look simple and no significance compared with modern art. In fact these paintings don’t have any industrial application or commercial application. However, we need to know that this is actually lost art. The original pot paintings are highly expansive and time consuming. It requires huge concentration and courage to complete a painting.
  3. They don’t have any marketplace to sell their paintings. Pot painters’ uses old methods, old techniques. They required new techniques to art, as well as cheap and affordable. They also required new market to sale their products. 
Today due to negligence form govt. of west Bengal, these Pot painters got fund form European Union (EU) and they are running their events once in a year in October, November month generally. Every year these foreigners come in India in this village (Pingla Village, East Midnapore, and India) for these folk arts purchasing, photography, videography, study and researches. I am sure they will not be able to go long run because some day EU will stop funding. 

The family of these pot painters are now living in poverty because their art, their culture have no value. Today the next generations is not interested in learning this art because of no value. It takes a whole year to prepare some POT pains and sell to market but again profit is very low. They are even not teaching their next generations because they started feeling that this would not have any career on this. Since there is no support form govt. the event is going to be shorter year after year. 
Lets come on Pingla , The POT –MAYA date is announced by  website which is in 11th Nov to 13th Nov , 2018. Let’s come here and taste the POT art once again. 

Details you can find here - 


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