Friday, 7 October 2016

How will china rule the world - question ask more questions before you start providing answers


A term which is called "Rising power" today. In the 21st century , china could have or could not have power to rule the world. But they will try to do that and they are already starting to do that. However, how they will rule the world? To rule you must earn respect of the others. Otherwise why they will obey you? you could have another alternative and that is the point of gun. But I dont think that would not work because to all barbaric there are always a treat and probably they are also growing up. If you show gun to me I will trough you stones(Though it may happen I could die but I try in order to prevent the barbaric rulers). If you love me I will love you back.

China got its freedom in late 1949. Since then it start rising. Another country called India( Actually my country) got freedom in 1947. At a point at 2016 the GDP of china is establishes itself a 5 times more powerful than India. That means, although china got freedom 2 years later freedom than India, china worked hard, worked more than India to achieve this. In 2016 china is a 10 trillion dollar economy and India 2 trillion dollar economy. They have military budget worth $150 billion dollar and India have just touched $50 billion dollar. China produces a India after every 2 years. They are no doubt growth rate than India. However both country have some similarity , form population ,  geography etc.

A rich country does not mean it could rule the world. A powerful military does not mean they could win a war. A rising power does not mean other will must respect and china will obviously earn respect no matter what the situation is.To earn respect china need to understand others perspective. To earn respect china needs to understand others interest. China needs to back respect to the others as well. If you dont respect others how do you deserve respect ? If you dont love someone how do you deserve the love form others?

China probably want to do the things very forcefully. They actually dont have any respect for others. They just want to sell you the things. You see, the difference between china and India products. They  both totally different. While america want to provide you quality work ,china takes the other advantage. They just want to target those cannot afford "quality things". They just want to deliver the product at any cost. In 1960 , they freed their economy with foreign direct investment opportunity which let me helped to be a world factory. Every industry that require mass products must build their factory in china. Because it have everything that you need to produce good profit. They have cheap manpower. They have good infrastructure which ultimately let me the mass produce.  That is why china exists. Low quality as well as cheap products.This really benefits many countries as well. With the cheap products India , Pakistan , Bangladesh and other nations is hugely benefited by china. And, importantly why not they will be? china mass production policy helped the poor people to increase the living conditions and lifestyle.

As well as china gearing up its economy it requires to express its power and need to create situation to acquire the global power. A global power to express its military , its own created economic policies so that it do business with more and more countries. However, this requires others willingness. Why a country will love  and respect china when china cannot love and respect back? There are many issues which is actually causing this -

1st point,Lets start with the most recent problem, which is south china sea. The south china sea issue angered countries like - Philippines , Japan , Taiwan , Brunei etc. There are 5 trillion dollar worth of business(cargo ships) each year is passing through this region. The just mentioned countries also also claiming the sea areas in the same area where china have created their artificial islands. China have seen just own profit. They have realised that  there large natural resources out there and for which china could be building the islands and occupying the other islands.However , this kinds of illegal occupation have angered the small countries becuase china knows that they are neither us nor NATO. In 2016 , International court of justice ruled against Beijing that  there are no historical proof that these islands belongs to china.The court's verdict went against Beijing.

2nd point, no media at all - what does the media print in china ? they print what govt. want to and you go against govt. and you will be fired. The Chinese daily is just the voice of china. what the govt. says is through govt. mouth. You can put technology news, environmental but you cannot print which could defame the govt. or govt. image or anything that is against govt. Even reporting truth could be a crime. So much less human and freedom of speech out there.

3rd point, the communist party, The party that have been ruling the china form couple of decades. No sooner, we dont see any options that they could be replaced by someone.A single ruling party is also a bad thing form new form and some new exceptions for other countries.  The china govt. is now full of corruptions and corruptions is shaking hands in each moment in china. We dont see any chance to get rid of that.

4th point, execution - You have seen the death penalty news in other countries court. Well, I bet you dont know that china executes as much as rest of the world. Not exactly as much as, china executes 4000 to 5000 executions each year. You are seeing at the brutal executions in saudi arabia( those are doing as little as 100 executions per year). You are now started thing how crewl china is.

5th point, loving the country - Chinese loving the country too much. When barak obama arrives at the Beijing airport the , the chinese shouted " This is our airport, this is our country". Loving too much your country and not looking to respect will ultimately isolate you in a room ultimately.

With such a behaviour china could never rule the world. However, if they are truly going to rule, they will change themselves at a point.

Lets see what future kept for us.


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