Sunday, 4 June 2017

Looking for a great marijuana consulting firm? Call Pipe Dreemz today

Throughout Canada, it is really hard to get good marijuana consulting which could provide you high quality consulting, management and knowledge services. Pipe Dreemz is here from Canada who will help regarding cannabis as well as marijuana consulting. We have wide variety of experts those who will help you with all issues, starting with licensing, planning, production of cannabis as well as marijuana, marketing. We offer customers with factory build outs, we offer with how you design the area and how you design with manufacturing plan, how you will maintain and implement the security as well.
The pipe dreemz venture initially started with our boss Mr. Georges who have wide range experience. He has experience to working with the federal govt. He has experience working with various United States regulatory agencies like – food and drug departments. With all these experiences, pipe dreemz have opened their portal to help customers, individuals, small business and as well as large businesses to produce and to do business marijuana legally. All you know that health Canada requires lots of agreements and procedures in order to qualify them. Our company will help to face this. We will help you regarding all steps to get permission from health Canada. If you are an individual, then need to some requirement of little production and then you can grow cannabis for medical marijuana which you will use only for medical purpose  
Let’s take a look how and which points is being helped by pipe dreemz Inc.  They are follows –

  1. Application - Pipe dreemz Inc. will help you to write the application correctly and efficiently. We will help clients to prepare the application properly so that you would not get rejected by health Canada. Or if you ever rejected by health Canada we will help you again to submit a fresh application. We will prepare the application to save your months off work for you. We will prepare your application such a way so that you will not get rejected. We will give those answers which you actually require. No matter you is a business or an individual we will help you to get that license.
  2. GAP analysis - We will help with the gap analysis. So that you can see the actual performance. In fact GAP analysis refers to comparison between actual performance and desired performance. With us you will be able to see the difference. You can create then strategy and analysis which will ultimately accelerate the marijuana production.
  3. Facility Planning and design - Pipe dreemz Inc. will help you with facility design and planning. We will tell you and give you the knowledge how you will design your marijuana factory. How you will do the drawings of plantation, how you do budget analysis and budget allocation, how do you create and allocate contracts etc. We also take care of what equipments you really require. We take care of factory build outs etc as well.
  4. Good Manufacturing Process - We offer the good manufacturing process. You can grow your business only with the quality productions. Pipe dreemz Inc. will help you with the quality productions as well. To produce quality marijuana, you need to have quality grow room design out there. Pipe dreemz Inc. will help you to create proper grow room design. We also work as garden consulting. With the help of proper garden consulting you will know how you will know to grow production etc. We also help clients with how you do Planning, procurement and oversight for Systems Installation including HVAC, Electrical and Fertigation etc.
  5. Branding and marketing – Pipe dreemz will help you to sell your medical marijuana products if you are looking for proper market. Pipe dreemz  Inc. will help you with to buy proper raw materials and selling of medical marijuana products
  6. Security planning - security is the most important thing while you are going to produce the cannabis for medical purposes. We offer our clients with knowledge for technology and security so that the wastes are not going to wrong hand. We will help how you will install security cameras etc.

This is not only ones, we offer wide variety of other services which is related to marijuana production and as well as business. If you are looking to produce marijuana the just call us at 613-294-2324 or email us at
We look forward to work with you .


 Hello There! Welcome to Pipe Dreemz Inc. The professional cannabis consulting company in Canada. So far, we are helping million dollar bus...