Wednesday, 27 December 2017

Quality Assurance for Medical Cannabis - Things to keep in mind for better Marijuana Production

Hi! This is Nirban, marketing person of Pipe Dreemz Incorporation. Today I am going to discuss the things that are important while you are producing marijuana for patients you require to obey the rules, the terms, conditions so that you could maintain the quality of marijuana. Let me tell you an introduction before we jump into the quality check topic.

Marijuana (or cannabis or weed or ganja) has lots of medical benefits. Though it is considered a drug around the world, still the it could cure lots of diseases like following –
  1. It can be used to treat Glaucoma.
  2. It may help reverse the carcinogenic effects of tobacco and improve lung health.
  3. It can help control epileptic seizures.
  4. It also decreases the symptoms of a severe seizure disorder known as Dravet's Syndrome.
  5. A chemical found in marijuana stops cancer from spreading.
  6. It may decrease anxiety.
  7. THC slows the progression of Alzheimer's disease.
  8. The drug eases the pain of Multiple Sclerosis.
  9. Other types of muscle spasms could be helped too.
  10. It lessens side-effects from treating hepatitis C and increases treatment effectiveness.
  11. Marijuana treats inflammatory bowel diseases.
  12. It keeps you skinny and helps your metabolism.
  13. While not really a health benefit, marijuana spurs creativity in the brain.
  14. Marijuana might be able to eliminate Chron's diseases
  15. Pot soothes tremors for people with Parkinson's disease
  16. Marijuana helps veterans suffering from PTSD.
  17. Marijuana protects the brain after a stroke
  18. Weed reduces some of the awful pain and nausea from chemo, and appetite.

After years of fighting with the govt. now health Canada and united states have approved marijuana uses to patients and only those patients who gonna need it. They have approved the production of marijuana as a limited versions and limited quantities as well. You can only do production of dried marijuana and oil form marijuana( cannabis oil form) and then you will be able to ship , import , export , donate cannabis to any person( Who is authorized to receive marijuana ) and or to any patient( who gonna need it to cure disease) and  any organization who will do its fair uses or legal uses as well. However, to do better quality of marijuana production as a business, one must require managing quality control. After 2016 and onwards health Canada replaced the old MMPR (Marijuana for medical purpose resolutions) rules and placed the all new ACMPR( access to cannabis for medical purpose resolutions) and added terms and conditions of what it requires to get qualify the marijuana application process. Once you submitted the application does not mean you will be approved by health Canada. They will check your application and they will also thoroughly read your application and answers of the questions given by them. Health Canada also requires white papers on infrastructure build up that you have in your compound for marijuana production. Pipe dreemz help clients to win this application. In this application process they help clients so that farmers could get their marijuana application form health Canada. We help clients to provide answers of the questions asked by health Canada.

At pipe dreemz we not only provide marijuana application process, we also provide the following services as well –
  1. Application Preparation
  2. Application Review
  3. Application Submission
  4. Talent Acquisition and Training
  5. Site selection and Planning
  6. Facility Design & Planning
  7. Preparation of facility plans and drawings
  8. Detailed Budget, including Hydro Requirements & Costs
  9. General Contractor Oversight & Equipment Supplier Agreements
  10. Facility Build-Outs
  11. Production
  12. Grow Room Design & Garden Consulting
  13. Laboratory Equipment procurement
  14. Planning, procurement and oversight for Systems Installation including HVAC, Electrical and Fertigation
  15. Production Planning
  16. Facility Planning
  17. Security Planning and Review
  18. Technology Plan
  19. Detailed Hydro Requirements and Costs
  20. Detailed Budget
  21. General Contractor Oversight
  22. Equipment Supplier Agreements
  23. Facility Build Out
  24. Grow Room Design
  25. Pre-Inspection services

Pipe Dreemz also provides the Quality control services so that you are able to produce high quality marijuana and there will be no dispute or no legal question of your production. Pipe Dreemz will help you to win this game for you. There are lots of things that doctors will not tell you always. There are lots of things that are not written in any book as well. But you need to know them while you are going to do marijuana production. At our company Pipe Dreemz Corporation, we provide this support and consulting services to all of our clients and customers. Our Boss Mr. Goerges have 25 years of experience working with several federal agencies and drug dealing departmental experiences to cope with them.

When you are buying any medicine form store you know that they are being passed through a series of tests. There will be several guidelines, uses of doses on the printing on the paper. In case of marijuana people also need the same guidelines on when to use or when not to use – at what dose? Marijuana patients also need to know regarding pesticides. Microorganisms, such as molds, bacteria and yeast, are found in small amounts in food and drink and the air we breathe, as well as in cannabis and other herbal remedies. We need to check that the marijuana are carefully cultivated and harvested as well. The cannabis material must be screened for contamination before it is being packaged. When cannabis is being placed to dispensaries also needs to be checked that they are doing a  good quality control practices. The Dispensaries also needs to provide better care for its patients.  Currently cannabis is being distributed through completely unregulated channels and remains on the frontier of medical research. The dispensary personnel also need training in properly so that they could handle sterile techniques to protect against on-site bacterial techniques. The marijuana growers need to differentiate by quality and level of contaminants as well. The potency and overall quality of any cannabis strain can be affected by the environmental conditions under which it is grown. Patients are completely in the dark about potency levels and actual quality.

United States govt. have reduced the scope of research and testing of cannabis and that is another blockade of getting quality marijuana. The United States govt. is thinking that getting higher research in marijuana might get to wrong hand and that might be risky for the nation. However, independent testing can reduce the risks of contamination and there by improve the overall quality of the cannabis distributed as medicine. We need to check if marijuana perfectly held pesticides in it through some testing programs. There could be various pesticides like - Organophosphates, carbamates, Pyrethroids, Avermectins etc. Microorganisms such as molds, bacteria, and yeast are everywhere — even in small amounts in food and drink and in the air we breathe. The marijuana could also contain a form of Microorganisms so we also need to run tests for that too. The following types of Microorganisms mainly could stay in cannabis, they are - Aspergillus, Penicillium, Cladosporium , Alternaria , Yeasts , Escherichia Coli etc. Also, patients require to choose proper medicines as well.  While you are buying the cannabis form health Canada, make sure there are cannabis seal on the products. The standardized packaging program will also help you to do so. The Safe Cannabis seal and packaging program increases quality control for the industry by changing the model to give producers the opportunity to certify and package their products before they come to market. Make sure that the cannabis nitrogen packaging services is also available for cannabis packaging as well. The cannabis also needs to be temper proof using various models and testing methods. The tamper-proof packaging keeps the cannabis as fresh as the day it was sealed, substantially reducing mold and bacterial growth, and significantly reducing degradation and discoloration. While you are buying cannabis packets form dispensaries make sure that is not too old.

Steep Hill Lab played a major role in the case of lab testing. When you are buying a medicine you need to know it is surely going to help you. Medicine out of dates of medicines with some bad wastes may do the reverse reaction. You need to make sure that it is not harmful. The marijuana growers can demonstrate the quality and improve operations as well. Since the health Canada is taking care of these operations and quality control so they also have some liability, they should not give permission to that license that is not providing quality cannabis product. They require performing quality control testing and the safe cannabis seal to grantee the quality of their cultivation. These can also be done the farmers too. This way one can grantee their products and the buyers will know that their product is safe high quality , pure , pesticide free , properly measured for potency and compliant with proposed regulations.

Today cannabis is growing very faster. Compared to the other businesses the growth rate of cannabis is relatively very good and it will even more in next 10 years. Politicians also agreed that putting proper tax on cannabis selling will also increase the earnings and taxes for United States govt. Also, govt. should initiate the innovation in cannabis industry. This will also increase the cannabis opportunities even further. When the cannabis industry will start growing dramatically then the business will also grow in terms of industry such as financial services, supply management and more. Patients, caregivers, cannabis medicine producers, collective staff, and doctors have a responsibility to Understand the importance of growing, processing, handling, and consuming cannabis medicines safely. Through education, awareness, and testing, the industry can develop standards and guidelines by which safe and clean medicines are readily available for patient consumption.

Thanks to god and Mr. Georges Routhier who donated his whole life to those companies and improving their qualities. For those companies who are producing marijuana Pipe Dreemz is a quality assurance person ACMPR. Today at Pipe dreemz, we are supporting over 150 million dollar businesses across Canada and United States. One must understand that quality control requires lot of effort and we at pipe dreemz with the help of experts we solve and try to upgrade your quality system. If you do have any questions, just ask them any questions.

You can email or call Pipe Dreemz email at or call at 1-833-226-2776. We look forward working with you.

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 Hello There! Welcome to Pipe Dreemz Inc. The professional cannabis consulting company in Canada. So far, we are helping million dollar bus...