Since 2013, health Canada has been
accepting applications to grow and produce marijuana whether you are individual
or corporations. If you are individual you will grow marijuana for own and if
you are a corporations you will grow marijuana for commercial purposes. Since
2013, marijuana for medical purpose regulations (MMPR) will give you the
permissions for growing and selling marijuana for medical purposes.
However, all of these have some
requirements. You need to satisfy their requirements, their infrastructure
needs, quality requirements and safety & security guidelines. We at pipe dreemz,
help customers to obtain a license or permission in order to grow and sell marijuana. We will
create documentaries to send them applications. We will help you with all kind
of paper work so it will satisfy them. Our skilled stuffs and expertise will
help to do consulting, management, infrastructure build up etc.
While you have applied for marijuana
growing and selling, you must maintain some quality guidelines. Those are
follows –
systems – The quality documentation is the highest priority
work for health Canada. Needless to say that quality system is the main reason
why there are not enough licensed cannabis producers in Canada. The QAP or
quality allocation plan is what you need to maintain initially. Section
60.1.a.ii of the ACMPR states that each LP must employ a QAP who has the
training, experience, and technical knowledge relating to the activity
conducted. The cannabis grower also requires satisfying that they have proper
infrastructure of quality production.
keeping – Record keeping the 2nd most important
part to health Canada. Section 11 of access to cannabis for medical purpose
regulations states that the grower and seller of cannabis must be able to
implement the proper record keeping system in order to get the permission. They
must employ proper stuffs in order to do record keeping. You may use software’s
or application layers for this.
GPP stands for good manufacturing processes. It is the quality standard that
ensures that drugs are consistently produced and controlled in such a way so
that it meets the quality guidelines.
Security Requirements – Physical security requirements is the
last thing that a cannabis producer require. The goal of physical security is
to protect the plantation site or the production site forms any 3rd
party access. It even makes sure that you are also doing the business very
strictly not selling the cannabis products like cannabis oil to any
unauthorized person. Health Canada ensures that you are maintaining the these substances through policies, guidelines
and legislation such as the CDSA, the Narcotic Control Regulations(NCR) and the
To date there are only 27 licensed
cannabis producers in Canada. Most of the get failures in the mid way just
because they don’t provide satisfactory infrastructure. We help clients to
implement this. Contact Marijuana
consulting firm Pipe dreemz Inc. today, call us today or email us today
with your name, email, contact number and message so that we can understand
your needs. We value the client relationships just by delivering the work. You
will never forget our assistance and aid. We always communicate, get interview
with clients so that you will understand the steps and procedures.
Call us at 613-294-2324 or email us at .
We look forward to work with you.
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